St. Lucie has embraced a new vision for youth ministry with the Diocese of Palm Beach. This relational vision invites young people and their families to an encounter and conversion to Jesus Christ through small, mentored communities of faith that we call young discipleship teams or simply small groups. This process begins in middle school with groups of young people who will meet with two mentors who will walk with them on their faith journey. They will get to know them personally so that the gospel will be better received and be more open to responding to the gifts of the Church. Not every 9th-grade 14-year-old will be ready on a given day at a specific time because it’s expected. This process leaves room for the Holy Spirit to inspire the individual young person, grow in a deeper relationship with God and develop a desire for the Sacrament of Confirmation which has the potential for a fuller life of discipleship.
Jesus came so that you might have life, and have it to the full.
Jesus did not come to make you boring, take away your fun, and plague you with guilt. read on...